Hair Bundles can not only make your hair more abundance, also can change our hair length as well as the style. Today we would like to share useful information that how to clip your hair extension naturally.
Find suitable products
First of all, in the selection of hair extension, we had better Loose Wave hair in terms of its soft healthy material. You should know that Brazilian hair is acknowledged as one of the highest-quality types of hair in the market as its convenient cleaning and multivariate style. As for hair color, if you are a conservative one, choose the same color with your real Brazilian Virgin Hair which make your hair have good integration. Otherwise, opting for a slightly lighter color helps you create natural highlights effect.
Decide hair extension place
Divide your hair up and down the upper part of your ear, and place the top of the hair on top of your head. It is said that a proper place is the level position between eyebrow, try to circle around your head with the level of eyebrows is the place where your wefts are going to be clipped in.
Clip hair extension into your hair
Pick up The hair attached to the hair extension and comb the hair backward with a fine tooth, ensuring hair weft have a firm and thick base to be clipped. Clip the hair clip from the wig to the hair root closest to the scalp. Repeat the above steps by clipping hair extension to your hair patiently. Last but not least, remember to leave enough distance between hair weft and your ears ensuring that your hair real can cover your hair clip naturally and seamlessly.
Let go of your hair
In the end, lowered your hair and combed down spontaneous root. The spray allow hair extension blend perfectly with your real hair. Although Brazilian hair extension looks beautiful with straight hair, wavy or curled styles have amazing effect.
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